Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To stand or To walk away

His life taught me there's a time to stand your ground. His death taught me there's a time to walk away
--Green Street Elite "The Movie"

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Closing on to middle ground

He jumped up wide awake as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on him. Feeling queasy, he opened to window to let some fresh air come in. But in quite a departure from the normally windy month, the air was still, just like his life has come to a stand still, from that fast and furious pace to a screeching halt.

"How did it happen, why did it happen, whom to blame for it?"

"Should I also blame god for everything that happened, after all I credited him for everything that was happening before? A'int that what we invented God for, we the smartest beings on face of this mud-ball."

"Should I blame myself for letting life do this to me, am I too weak to fight the things life is throwing at me"

Now I will leave this in middle and run away, some way to pull some bull crap.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

An Ode to Himesh

Keeping in mind the contributions of our own 'Himesh Bhaiya' to the hindi music scene in recent past, we decided to contribute precious few minutes of our life and bandwidth to him. The outcome of this was this video shot with trembling hands and respectful hearts.

Lets say a lil' prayer for the man himself and wish him all the luck for his new movie 'Aap Ka Suroor', the eternal love story of his life. And keep your fingers crossed, he is gonna reveal his hat(e) secret in the movie.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November Rain

It has been raining over here for last 3 weeks, ain't no big fan, but reminded me of rains in Mysore and how beautiful the Infy campus used to look.

Infosys Mysore on a rainy day

So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain
-Guns N' Roses

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tere Tille Ton...

Old bapu singing the Manak's classic. These are the things you miss when you move out of punjab ...