Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Closing on to middle ground

He jumped up wide awake as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on him. Feeling queasy, he opened to window to let some fresh air come in. But in quite a departure from the normally windy month, the air was still, just like his life has come to a stand still, from that fast and furious pace to a screeching halt.

"How did it happen, why did it happen, whom to blame for it?"

"Should I also blame god for everything that happened, after all I credited him for everything that was happening before? A'int that what we invented God for, we the smartest beings on face of this mud-ball."

"Should I blame myself for letting life do this to me, am I too weak to fight the things life is throwing at me"

Now I will leave this in middle and run away, some way to pull some bull crap.

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